Monday, 11 March 2013


Well I thought it'd be fairly obvious that I'm presently on a hiatus. I didn't want to write a "hiatus" post informing the world that I'm on a hiatus as that seems a bit presumptuous on my part that people care. But then the boyf said I should at least make a quick announcement lest people get pissed off. Pissed off?! Really? Do people get pissed off when others don't update their blogs? Hmmm...interesting.

So yes, here is my hiatus post, but not before I do a quick, random update on what I've been up to...sort of.

I did my blood test and was told my cholesterol was a wee bit high. Just a wee bit, no cause for concern. I can't believe I've reached the age where I actually will have to think about what I stuff in my mouth. Joy.

My birthday came and went. Doesn't mean much when Nick's not around.

I went on a little holiday to Bangkok, Thailand, with a couple of friends. Not for my birthday, but it was a good pre-birthday break.

Any break from work is fantastic, really.

Oh, the big break prior to that was the week-long Chinese New Year break. It was pretty darn awesome having not celebrated CNY properly for the past 6 years.

I've been watching a bit of good ol' British stand-up and I LOVE Sarah Millican. She is such a riot. I admire women in comedy especially those who can keep it clean...well, sort of. Michael Mcintyre is great, as well.

Anywayz, I'm just generally busy and tired with stuff, so I'm giving this blog a break. I will be back once things are a little more settled.

Thanks for reading all this while. 

Hope you've been well


  1. Come back soon, just had a look at some of your posts and they're awesome! Btw, just want to let you know that the blog you are following that was previously owned by myself is now dormant but you can find me on my new blog; The Science of Happy. It already has 29 posts up so far so lots to read already and I've got a new feature up where you get to be nosey and see what other followers have in their bags!

    - TSOH

  2. Aw, Joey! Will be looking forward to your return! Take it easy and don't stress too much!

  3. nice blog! maybe we can follow each other if you want ? :))

  4. I don't think people get pissed off maybe sad. :P

  5. Sorry to hear that your cholesterol is a little high - take care hun!

    I took quite a long break from blogging too and I missed it.

    Hope to see you in the blogosphere soon ^_^

  6. amazing blog!
    found you on

    following you now via bloglovin.
    check out my blog, too :)

    i also have a giveaway at the moment - you can win a steve madden bag in neon green!


  7. Oh dear, I can't believe I haven't been here on your blog for that long a time. I did not even see this March post then. =( My bad my bad.

    I think it is good that you have a hiatus post to inform your readers. No, we won't get pissed off if you suddenly disappeared but it would really help to know what's going on instead of a total MIA. And also, I feel reassured that you would definitely be back to blogging and that I won't lose out on another blog to read.=) So thanx a lot for informing us!

    I was just saying in my previous blog post about how the blogosphere is a lot more quiet now. All the older blog friends whom I connected so well with from a few years ago seem to have disappeared. I would also categorise you in this group. Hahaha... so "old blog friend", do agree with me? Those friends are just gone. I tend to only return visits to people who leave comments and will only occasionally type the url of other blogs that I used to frequent to see what they have been up to. I thought probably in my bz-ness the past few months, I could have missed out on those blog friends who didn't leave me comments. But when I visited the blogs of many of these old blog friends, their last post was last year! Or many months back. I'm just so glad to see that you have started picking up on blogging again!

    I hope we could continue to connect on our blogs coz that’s where we started from. =).


Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to leave me a comment xx

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