Saturday, 19 January 2013

Project Pan 10 (Part 2)

Yes, I do know I am very late in posting up my Project Pan 10 (Part 2). Excuse my tardiness.

6) KAO Essential - Hair Essence
This was also part of my haul from Singapore*click* in December 2011. Though I've been using Kao Essential products for several years, this was my first time trying out the Hair Essence. Sad to say, other than the lovely smell, this did nothing for my hair.

7) KAO Essential - Conditioner (Rich Premier)
I always seem to have way too much conditioner leftover. Even when I have to start on a new bottle of shampoo, I'd find that I'd still take awhile to finish up the conditioner from the previous bottle.
This worked really well when I first started using it. It really did moisturize my hair and made it smoother and softer.

8) KAO Essential - Shampoo (Nuance Airy)
It's funny that in December 2011, I said that I had no intention of switching brands, but this is in fact my last bottle of Kao. When I was first introduced to it many, many bottles ago (I've gone through both the pink and orange ranges), I really did think it was good on my hair. However, since coming back to Malaysia, due to the hot and humid weather, my hair's been really dry and frizzy. Perhaps my hair has gotten "immune" to it, I don't know. It's time to switch!

9) KAO Essential - Conditioner (Nuance Airy)
Same story with the shampoo. To be honest, I cannot tell the difference between the Rich Premier (Orange) and Nuance Airy (Pink).

10) Lux - Shower gel
Nothing special. I finished this so I threw it in together with my Project Pan 10 hehe...

If Part 1*click* was more on Hada Labo products, Part 2 leaned heavily towards KAO Essential.
I will continue posting Project Pan 10 posts, periodically.
Hope these short empties posts helps.


  1. Aw, oh well...they may have done nothing in the long term but for the short term I know scents draw me in too! Hope you find better things for your hair!

  2. A lot of people seem to think hair becomes "immune" to a certain product after a while, but it actually doesn't. What I have been told by my hair stylist is that there is a build-up of chemicals in the hair follicles, which makes hair turn frizzy. I have been using a clarifying shampoo (only used once in every blue moon when your hair turns frizzy) to exfoliate the problem. Otherwise, if you do change shampoo, you should go something more volumising due to the heat!

    Apart from that, do you dye your hair? It might cause some irritation to the hair for some people.

    Love your blog, hope this helps somewhat as it did with my hair! xoxo

  3. Pardon for my ignorance, what does the "pan" in project pan mean?

    Essential orange range wasn't good for my hair at all. I still have a small bottle of shampoo left and I use it on my hair length. This shampoo simply cannot touch my scalp or it would itch and feel very greasy.

    It is true for me to switch shampoos too. A shampoo that has been doing well for me may suddenly just not work out anymore. I think due to age, my scalp condition is changing too and it feels a lot more greasy than before. I used to wash my hair once every 2 days when I do not perspire. Right now, I've to wash by the end of the day even when I'm indoors the whole day.Signs of ageing. Haha

  4. I love the Essential range of hair products! Really find them effective and best of all, they leave my hair smelling awesome for days!

    Looking forward to more new posts! :P


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